
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Santau - 10 December 2009

Sepasang suami isteri, Halim dan Nina bersama anak perempuannya Ecah hidup dalam keadaan selesa di perkampungan Melayu moden. Halim sentiasa menjadi contoh kerana dia berjaya dalam kerjaya, dan suasana rumahtangganya yang harmoni.

Bagaimanapun, selepas jiran baru berpindah bersebelahan rumah mereka, keluarga Halim mula dihantui oleh kejadian mistik di dalam rumah mereka. Bermula dengan Ecah yang terlihat pelbagai kelibat misteri hinggalah kejadian TV terpasang dengan sendiri, permainan Ecah berterabur dan alat penggera kecemasan di dalam rumah berdering dengan sendirinya di tengah malam. Semua kejadian ini berlaku apabila Halim tidak berada di rumah. Halim sangat sibuk dan menghabiskan masanya diluar hingga lewat tengah malam.

Sebagai seorang yang berjaya, Halim tidak begitu mempercayai wujudnya benda ghaib dalam rumah mereka apabila Ecah mengadu padanya. Nina yang sentiasa ceria mula berubah menjadi malas dan pendiam. Satu hari Nina mula mengalami sakit perut yang amat sangat dan Halim membawanya ke klinik. Doktor mengesahkan Nina mengalami gastrik. Bagaimanapun Ecah mengesyaki mamanya mengalami gangguan ghaib. Satu malam, Halim berkejar pulang apabila Ecah memberitahu mamanya dirasuk dan menjerit-jerit. Halim membawa Nina berjumpa bidan kampung. Apakah yang terjadi seterusnya? Saksikan di pawagam, filem terbitan Metrowealth Movie Production "Santau - Dengki Sampai Mati" di pawagam berhampiran anda.

A husband and wife, Halim and Nina with their daughter Ecah lives comfortably in a modern malay village. Halim is always the example of a perfect man because he is successful in his career and a harmonious family.

However, after their neighbour moved out from the house, Halim's family is being haunted by a mysterious occurrence in their house, starting with Ecah seeing mysterious shadows and weird incidents happen onto Nina. This entire incident happened when Halim is not at home. Halim is busy working and finishes most of his time outside till wee hours in the morning.

As a successful man, Halim do not believe in the existence of spiritual objects in the house even though Ecah complains to him. From being a cheerful person all along, Nina turns into a lazy and quiet person. One day, Nina begins to experience an impulsive stomach pain and Halim sends her to the clinic. Doctor confirmed that Nina is experiencing some gastric pain. However, Ecah suspects that her mother is experiencing a supernatural disorder. One night, Halim rushes home when Ecah told him that her mother is being possessed and is screaming non stop. Halim brings Nina to meets an indigenous midwife and was informed that his wife Nina is being possessed by a spirit who is envy of his success and happiness.

Halim is shocked. How will Halim be able handle his family problems? Who is actually the mastermind behind this mysterious problem? Experience the devil whisper in SANTAU… in cinemas near you.

Santau - Casts Line Up

Putri Mardiana

Esma Daniel

Adik Farisya Fatin


Zul Handy Black

Riezman Khuzaimi


Seniwati Mariani



Santau - The Making Of

Santau production team are among the finest filmmaking crews in Malaysia.

Azhari Zain tries to sustain the horror feeling to deliver a new angle in local horror film to the audiences

The Director, Mr Azhari Zain advises the casts during the filming.